Anne Harper
Anne and Dick Harper live in a 19th-Century Vermont farmhouse on Lake Champlain.
Annie in a Hat with Feathers was painted by Mary Harper.
A history of personable service...
Office Manager/Admin/Legal Secretary
Anne kept the office going in a competitive, real estate and title insurance company serving Vermont. She supervised and performed office tasks and employees for a multi-franchise automobile dealership. She managed a busy, two-attorney office with defender general contracts, real estate, and general practice. In customs brokerages, Anne maintained good relations with and billed over $4.4 million in a single year to more than 200 customers from Canada, Europe, and Pacific Rim. A Quality Group Facilitator, she also led the team that developed Q.C. tracking measures for a nationwide service company.
Professional Organizations and Community Service
Committed to community service, Anne served eight terms as an elected Justice of the Peace in the Town of Highgate. She served as a Director and Secretary of the All Arts Council of Franklin County. She was a member and past Vice President of the Business and Professional Women, as well as a past director of the Northwest Regional Transportation Network and past Secretary/Treasurer of the Green Mountain Transportation Association.
Although Anne has maintained a license to arrange and performe a wide range of traditional and modern ceremonies, she now limits officiating to family and close friends.
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