Nifty set of Harper covers

Dick's Words for Sale or Rent

Obsequious words ... for gifted grovelling
Obscure words ... for outsourced tech manuals
Obstinate words ... for stalling Internet sales crews
Odious words ... for people who bulldoze your lawn
Ogling words ... for otherwise amorous storytellers

and if you came for the

Opinionated words ... click here


What You Need

      harper introduces the hastia to give you party room with performance. Come take a blue water spin with us...
      Proven Yamaha outboards and a striking new hull deliver the performance.
      The sleek catamaran hull may lull you with smooth, stable handling. Then you'll snap turns with the precision of a barracuda.
      Room on the open deck for you and 18 of your closest friends delivers the parties.
hastia is one of the great family sportboats of all time. It's a big, gutsy seagoer equipped for fishin' or funnin'. The spacious cockpit has full instruments, plush seats, and a great stereo. A handy galley and an enclosed head deliver perfect parties. Sculptured maple and stainless steel grab rails, curved and tinted safety glass, and full hull graphics make hastia sporty and safe.

      I wrote the copy.

      I designed the boat.

      Why should you hire a seasoned engineer and manager instead of a generic copy- writer with a couple of years experience? Because I'm a pretty good published writer and I can walk and talk in public.

Pick the wordsmithery you do need

Trade and general interest articles on consumer issues, cars and boats, manufacturing equipment, and management for small businesses and arts organizations.
 Editing services
I will ghost write (or edit) your articles for in-house publication or trade press. I will not doctor fiction or any other manuscript you hope to sell to a publisher.

 Computer applications manuals for retail or college-level users

 Copy writing

 Protocols & operating manuals

 Radio advertising

(straight or slightly tongue in cheek speeches for business or professional occasions)

 Technical Manuals

 Training and Support Manuals

     Random Access, the popular weekly op-ed column, may be available for the newspaper in your town.
     With a slight skew from either Vermont's or the Keys' changing weather and unusual political climates, I praise cooperation and culture and volunteers and grouse about the cable TV, the computer industry, and phone company monopolies. I often write a dab of high tech How To and have grumbled about language losses. Some topics are important, some not, but my usual tone is mildly tongue-in-cheek.
     I offer timely content, protected areas, and consistent delivery. Ask your editor to enjoy this sample from the archives and to e-mail me for more info. Each column is in the 650-800 word range.
      Please note that I have placed short "how to" articles on our business site at The service is free to the readers.

Delivery Methods


(Plain Old Everyday Manuscript Service) delivers a finished manuscript in WordPerfect or MS Word format as an attachment or on disk, via text-based e-mail, or even on paper


Files formatted and indexed for Internet or Intranet use

Past History
(What I've Already Done)

 Newspaper Columns include ArtBits and Random Access

 Over 300 general articles for newspapers, slicks, trades

 Popular articles about Jimmy Buffett's visit to Vermont, the opening of a new Museum of Minute Stamps, the Guinness-candidate Sky Art project over St Albans, an amendment to the Vermont Constitution, the new location for the Vermont Maple Festival, Pavarotti's Art Exhibit in Enosburg, the Extreme Makeover, This Old House Style of downtown St. Albans, the heartwarming success of Beau Vine and the Buckamoos, WKFC, the high tech addition of Franklin County to the CTV Television Network, and the Heritage Dance Center's new home, a one-day Drive-Through Art Gallery, the Ice Breaker 200--NASCAR Does Art, the Franklin County Broadway Festival, Prodigies in History, the Brain-to-Brain Download Tour, the Bakersfield & East Fairfield Caravansary Art Festival, the first Civil War Aircraft Carrier built on Lake Champlain, Replay the Bay, the first World Art--Vermont Stage project, Maple Whipped Cream, the first new full length ballet premiered in Vermont in decades, the World Open Chainsaw Sculpture Championship coming to Vermont for the first time, and the world premiere of Cirque Britannia: Victoria Drawn from Life.

 Fiction includes "Bale Jumpers" which appeared in A Matter of Crime

 Textbooks and textbook chapters include Intermediate WordPerfect Applications

 Web sites (including this one) for artists and small business clients

 Public relations, commercial, and PSA advertising for area non-profits

 The hieSpeed line of commercial and custom software utilities and documentation

 ISO-9000 based and proprietary manufacturing quality systems

 The North Puffin Perspective, thoughts on current events and modern thoughts


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