Bloomfield Street, Hoboken

      Fred, Dick, and Tom (l-r) under the water buffalo skull we named Sam. For Bill's sake, I'm pretty sure the stature of limitations has run out on this one, too.
      Sam (the landlord) used to come in and stand directly under Sam (the buffalo) to harangue us. Spiders liked to nest in Sam (the buffalo), so we had the usual pool going. In three years, Sam (the landlord) never noticed.
      We have heard that he never rented to students again. I just don't understand that.
      The poster collage is pretty self explanatory, so here, naturally, is an explanation:
      The "no alcohol may be served or consumed" and "girls college id" signs came from one Stevens mixer or another. I don't think the Intercourse road sign was real, but it might have been. I think I drew the "punt" poster in yet another exhibition of what to do whilst avoiding homework; if not I, it may have been Bartsch. I guess today, we would plaster a Got Milk? sticker where the Goldwater/Miller sign went in 1969
      Alieska, a 26' double ended lifeboat redesigned as a nice sloop by Herreschoff and converted long before we found her.
      She had several broken ribs when we bought her, so thanks to the slightly leaky steam pipe in the foreground, we bent new oak ribs. The then-head of buildings and grounds hauled her for us with a forklift that almost overbalanced and ended up in the Hudson on top of the boat. Our first real life experiment in surface tension.

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